ireland’s biodiversity loss and its impact locally

Just some of the biodiversity loss this area will face if Kilsaran’s development goes ahead

Ireland’s Biodiversity loss is being enabled by our poor and often contradictory planning system. The site here in Ballyshannon, which is to be quarried by Kilsaran with the approval of An Bord Pleanala (who overturned the Kildare County Council decision to deny permission) was found to have:

  • Almost 2km of native, ancient hedgerows which will be removed.

  • 4 different Bat species with a high level of activity on the site,

  • 11 potential badger setts with one active sett noted, foraging evidence, access runs, tracks, and prints.

  • 35 bird species recorded with 10 of these species recorded of ‘conservation concern,’ 8 on the red and amber listed species considered to be 'probable' or 'confirmed' breeders within the site.

All of these issues were highlighted in the An Bord Pleanala Inspector's Report. Yet ABP ignored their own inspector and granted permission for this quarry on a greenfield site.

*Read more: Assembly told most protected habitats in poor state - RTE


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